30 мая 2017 года в 09:08

Математическая задача сингапурских первоклассников

Перед вами задача для сингапурских первоклассников, которая оказалась невероятно сложной для большинства взрослых. Многие ломают над ней голову, но так и не могут найти ответ, а в Сингапуре решившие ее дети всего лишь могут перейти во второй класс. Все что от вас требуется - найти логику во всей этой системе и постараться заполнить пустые кружки цифрами.

  • profile
    19 января 2018 года в 19:39

    I am the original creator of the petite-circle-sums puzzles, (https://gordonburgin.com/2017/05/petite-circle-sums/) as well as many other puzzle types which you can find on my website: https://gordonburgin.com. This fake puzzle that went viral, has been modified from my original – you can see clearly when comparing the two images that a ‘0’ has been removed from the number ‘20’ in the original to make the puzzle unsolvable (or at least unclear). Also, there was minimum instructions given. It was considered part of any exam aimed at young children. It’s a clickbait story (“maths problem aimed at young children stumps the internet”) and I imagine that the person who created this story did so to get attention and stimulate the kind of discussion that I am seeing on so many forums. The original fake story was posted at: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drink-man-woman-16/gpgt-can-you-solve-pri-1-bonus-question-5618690-3.html/ but the thread has since been removed. What is available though, is the following discussion by Alex Bellos, author of several Maths books & a popular bi-weekly columnist for the international edition of The Guardian on special maths topics, who picked up the story and featured it in his 22 May 2017 Monday’s Maths column (https://www.theguardian.com/science/series/alex-bellos-monday-puzzle?page=2). Gordon Burgin

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