Этот тест охватывает самые базовые темы: употребление артиклей, конструкции "have got / has got" и основы словообразования.
Базовый тест по английскому языку. Справитесь ли с заданиями уровня второго класса?

Постройте правильно предложения.
Она видит девочку
She sees a girl
She see a girl
She sees girl
She see girl
Мы видим мальчика
We see boy
We sees boy
We see a boy
We sees a boy
Я вижу яблоко и молоко
I see a apple and a milk
I see an apple and an milk
I see apple and milk
I see apple and a milk
I see an apple and milk
Он слаб
He is weak
He is a weak
He is weaks
He is a weaks
He weak
He weaks
У него нет жены
He has not a wife
He not a wife
He has not got a wife
He have not got wife
У них есть немного молока
They has got some milk
They has got a some milk
They have got some milk
They have got a some milk
Посмотри на большой мяч
Look big ball
Look at big ball
Look at the big ball
Жёлтый мяч
Yellow ball
A yellow ball
An yellow ball
У него есть лошадь, и эта лошадь старая
He have a horse, and the horse is old
He has a horse, and the horse is old
He had a horse, and the horse is old
Я вижу коробку, коробка - красная
I see a box, the box is red
I see a box, a box red
I see box, the box red
I see box the box is red
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